Cheap Exercise Bikes UK

Exercise bike deals:

Our cheap exercise bikes come in a variety of shapes and sizes. You can choose from spinning bikes or recumbent exercise bikes. We also have lightweight folding exercise bikes for sale so you can easily carry them up stairs, through hallways, or put them in a car boot! The cheapest exercise bikes are available at great prices, and we regularly stock promotional offers on our top-selling models.

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If you’re looking for a simple piece of exercise equipment you can use without preparation at any time, consider an exercise bike or ‘fitness bike’. These machines give your legs a workout, but also improve your cardiovascular fitness in general. They’re ideal if you enjoy cycling, but live in a city and don’t like to share your workout with traffic.

Build athletic fitness on a Cheap Exercise Bike

Your leg muscles are the strongest in your body, so exercising them will improve your performance across a variety of disciplines – including everyday walking and running.

Improve your stamina on an stationary exercise bike:
An exercise bike lets you build stamina safely, since you’re sitting down with none of the sudden impacts of running. A few sessions a week, increasing the resistance and time every few weeks, will make your heart stronger and you’ll be able to walk or run for longer distances.

Train for an event, go from Cheap Exercise Bike to racing bike

The multiple settings on many exercise bikes makes them ideal if you’re entering an event – you can plan a complete training programme that builds up your speed and distance over time, then tails off as the event draws near.

So now you know what exercise bikes can do, let’s find out
what features you should look for: Features to look for in an exercise bike:

Cheap Exercise Bike features

All exercise bikes will improve your fitness, but there’s a huge range of features to add to your enjoyment. Use this list of features to decide what’s best for your lifestyle.

There are two main types – uprights and recumbents. Upright exercise bikes are like a normal bicycle: you sit on a saddle and lean forward as you pedal. On recumbent fitness bikes you lean back and ‘put your back into it’. (You may also hear about ‘semi-recumbents’, with the rider’s position halfway between an upright and a recumbent, and ‘combination’ bikes which can convert into rowing machines.) Here’s a guide to the different parts of an exercise bike.

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Defining the parts of the exercise bike

An upright exercise bike (the most common kind) has the same riding position as a normal bike. You sit in a raised position with your legs slightly in front, and lean forward to grip the handlebars.

A recumbent exercise bike has a lean-back riding position with a padded backrest, which is more comfortable if you’re pedalling for a long time or recovering from knee/back injuries.

A heart rate monitor detects your pulse, usually through touching the grips of the exercise bike, so you can see how hard your heart’s working. Remember, the most effective heart rate for most people while exercising is about 70-80% of maximum.

Magnetic resistance pedalling motion uses magnets to create ‘drag’ as you pedal, giving you a harder workout. Most exercise bikes come with several levels of resistance and can combine them in programmes.

The display is an LCD digital readout giving you useful information – your cycling speed, total distance travelled, time and so on. The console controls, usually surrounding the display, let you switch the display to the numbersyou’re most interested in and enter or change the programme.

Programmes/progs on the Cheap Exercise Bike

Programmes give you a planned workout based on total distance you want to reach or total time you want to work out for. Different programmes may include varying speeds or hills to add variety. Example programmes include Alpine Pass, Time Trial, and Hill Climb.

What’s on the exercise bike display?

Some of the numbers on an exercise bike’s display are confusing. Here’s a key.

SpeedThe speed you’d be moving at if you were putting in the same effort on a real bike
TimeThe time since your workout started, or your time per lap, or your target time – most machines give you a choice
CaloriesEstimated amount of calories you’ve burnt off since starting
DistanceTotal distance travelled or distance left to go on a programme
Pulse/heartrateYour current heartrate, measured through hand grips, a chest strap, or earlobe clip
MotivationEncouraging messages displayed to keep you going strong
ElevationEstimated ‘height’ you’ve reached on a hill-climbin programme, simulated by greater resistance to your pedalling
CadenceThe number of times a minute you’re spinning the pedals. This measure is very important for cyclists – a steady 80rpm is a good target to aim for.

Exercise bike riding position

A good riding position is really important, so look for adjustable seat height and position, and adjustable handlebars if your arms are a bit shorter or longer than average.

When you’re sitting on the exercise bike with a pedal at its lowest point, your leg should point almost straight down with a slight bend at the knee. The handlebars should be within easy reach without having to strain forward. Ideally, while pedaling at speed you should feel your weight is evenly distributed between saddle, pedals, and bars.

When pedaling, try to pedal in smooth circles rather than ‘pushing’ when your foot’s ahead then letting the other foot take over. This is the best way to tone your muscles without injury, and also the best way to ride a real bike.

Now you’re armed with the right information, it’s time to make a shortlist of exercise bikes. Here are the questions you should ask yourself before you buy.

What are my fitness goals?

Decide what you want from your decision to buy an exercise bike. Are you looking to lose weight, or feel healthier, or keep up with your‘real’ cycling during cold and wet winter months?

What different exercise bikes will do

Lose weightAn exercise bike with resistance settings and calories burned display
Get fitAny cheap exercise bike, but a heart rate monitor will help you train
Become strongerAn cheap exercise bike with different resistance settings and programmes to build strength and endurance, such as Hill Climb or Alpine Pass. Alternatively, a recumbent bike will build leg strength.
Become fasterAn cheap exercise bike with the most common console functions (speed, time and distance) plus cadence will let you build fitness smoothly
Have funAn exercise bike with a range of different programmes, or that you can link to a videogames console or computer
Train for an eventAn exercise bike that lets you set goals and targets, such as distance in a set time or constant cadence

Will the bike fit in my home?

Exercise bikes take up a lot of space. In general, allow at least the same space you’d allow for a single bed, with half a metre or so on each side to make sure you can dismount easily. A few bikes also fold up for easy storage.

What are the costs of an exercise bike?

Simple exercise bikes are great value, and many now include advanced functions to display your speed, time, and distance. But if you want to build or maintain fitness instead of just burn calories, look at magnetic pedalling resistance models that can vary your workout by simulating hills.

What else do I need apart from the cheap exercise bike?

An exercise bike as part of a healthy lifestyle will keep your heart healthy. But it won’t exercise your upper body or back muscles much. If you’re not buying any other piece of equipment, add some press-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups to your exercise routine to round out your workout.

There’s a huge variety of exercise bikes on the market – but the one you choose needs to fit your healthy lifestyle, too. Now you’re equipped with information, head for exercise bikes here.

Using the Exercise Bike Comparison Table

Sometimes you want to see features side-by-side. It’s easy! When you view any range of exercise bikes – by price, brand, or other criteria – you’ll see a ‘Compare products/Go’ link on the right, with a tickbox for each piece of equipment.

Tick the bikes you’re interested in, and hit Go – you’ll be shown a handy table comparing all their main features, making it easier to choose. Why not try it right now?

Exercise bike terms explained

Like all health and fitness equipment, exercise bikes use some terms you might not be familiar with. Here’s a list of the most common ones.

Consolethe controls on the front panel of the exercise bike
Crankthe ‘stick’ connecting the pedal to the machine’s frame
Displaythe digital readout on the front panel of the exercise bike
Framethe structure, usually metal tubes, that all the moving parts of the bike attach to
Heart monitora sensor that takes your pulse and displays it for you
Programmesthe various choices of workout on an exercise bike, such as Alpine Pass, Forest Trail, or 1hour Time Trial
Recumbentan exercise bike with a lean-back riding position, where you sit low with your legs in front
Saddle/seatpadwhere you sit on an exercise bike
Self presenting pedalsmeans the pedals are weighted to always be the right way up to accept your foot
Uprightan exercise bike where your riding position is the same as a normal bicycle, sitting high with your legs pointing down as you lean forward over the handlebars

Cheap Exercise Bikes For Sale – We have the very best prices in the UK for Cheap exercise bikes. Whether spinning is your thing or you just want a cheap recumbent bike, our low price exercise bikes are perfect for those looking for a cheap exercise bike under £300. Our range of stationary exercise bikes consists of everything from the most basic spin bikes with their smooth ride up to resistance training road bikes and even home cross trainers like the Schwinn 230 Recumbent and more.

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