Best Protein Bars UK

Best Protein Bars UK

We have found the best cheap protein bars in the UK so you don’t have to.
Cheap protein bars are the life blood of anyone who is on the go and needs to keep their daily protein intake high.
From protein meal replacement bars to super low carb protein bars we have you covered, we have searched the main online shops to find you the very cheapest protein bars we can find so you don’t have to search high and low to get the best deals.

From the big names to smaller batch protein bar makes we aim to list all cheap protein bar deals we find for you. Protein bars have been on the market since the 1980’s but as anyone who has been in bodybuilding for a while will know they did not taste the best back in the day. They started life as a soya flour with dodgy flavourings that at best tasted like chalk dust. But fast forward to today where you can get amazing tasting protein bars cheaply.

Protein Bar Deals UK

There is no need to not have a treat when you are trying to up your protein levels, but at the same time there is no excuse to over indulge on fatty chocolates! This is where the protein bar comes in, easy to pack with you, tasty and from 10-45G of protein per bar they will keep you in anabolism state on the go.

In the beginning not many companies made protein bars, and if you could find them they were dry and really only the hard core of the bodybuilders would put up with the taste. But not anymore there are a number of UK companies producing protein bars. Glambia Ireland make a lot of the UK bars in giant machines but also there are small batch protein bar producers making amazing bars with nuts, dates and whey protein.

Walk into any corner shop in the UK today and you will probably find at least one massively over prices protein bar near the counter. Don’t be that person who needs to pay three pounds per bar at a petrol station, remember failing to prepare is preparing to fail. That is why to save money we list cheap protein bars that come either individually or in packs of 12. If you eat one protein bar per day then you need just under 3 boxes of 12 per month and most protein bars have at least a 6 month shelf life so buying in bulk can make sense

Bulk Protein Bar Deals UK

When buying protein bars in bulk not only can you get them cheaply but also you should try and mix up the flavours – there is nothing worse than getting sick of one flavour protein bar when you still have box after box of the same flavour. So live a little, we love vanilla protein bars but could not eat those day after day, so we add in peanut chocolate flavour.

The best protein bars can charge the individual with a surge of energy.

Consuming a portion of a protein bar before one’s exercise routine will supply the athlete with an important dose of energy while consumption of the protein bar after the workout will restore depleted glycogen, hence creating energy.

For those who are searching for extra calories, it is especially important to eat only the best bars.

They may serve as a meal replacement when ones’ busy schedule does not permit cooking and eating a large traditional meal.

The best protein bars are delicious and satisfying while not being completely and counter-productively saturated with sugar.
Welcome to the Best Protein Bars Report

Welcome to the Best Protein Bars Report

So what is a protein Bar exactly?

It seems everyone and their brother are making protein bars not to mention all the ones that you are making at home for yourselves (and lets be honest; those are the best protein bars, right?)

The Best Protein Bars Guide

The fact that protein bars are extremely convenient is a godsend for active people who are looking for something to tide them over between workouts and meals.

As long as they are eaten occasionally, they can be beneficial to your fitness goals.

But eat too many of the poor-quality bars, and they might actually sabotage your efforts. Here’s what to look for.

Make sure it’s a protein bar

To be called a “protein” bar, it should have at least 15 grams of protein per bar.

Although carb content is variable, you should choose a bar that is relatively low in carbs to avoid blood and insulin spikes that will hinder your fat-loss efforts.

Energy bars are at the other end of the spectrum: high-carb, low-protein.

Energy bars such as PowerBar or Clif® Bars are useful for intense aerobic exercise that lasts more than an hour.

Meal replacement bars like Balance® Bar, or Nutribar® have a more balanced ratio of carbs, proteins and fats, and usually contain more calories than other types of bars.

Organic and raw bars like Lärabar® provide energy in as natural a method as possible. They are made with whole foods and are devoid of artificial sweeteners and inserted protein, and many consider the to be the best protein bars.

They are, nevertheless, relatively high in sugars and low in protein.

Look at the source of protein

Most protein bars will have a “propriety protein blend” as one of the first things listed in the ingredients list.

Choose bars that use high-quality sources of protein, such as hydrolyzed whey, whey isolates and micellar casein.

Whey or soy concentrates are fine but are frequently used as fillers and shouldn’t be listed too high on the ingredients list.

Gelatin (or collagen) is often added to protein bars to improve texture. Since it is a type of protein, it contributes to the total number of grams in the bar.

Check the ingredients and ensure that gelatin and collagen are not listed too high up on the list.

Look at the Carbs of the protein bar

Just because a bar is high in protein doesn’t mean it’s low in carbs.

First off, avoid protein bars that list refined sugars, such as sucrose, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup and chocolate, as the first or second ingredient. These are no better than candy bars.

To make a protein taste good without using too much refined sugars, manufacturers often add artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols.

Sugar alcohols should be listed along with sugars and dietary fiber under the total carbohydrate listing on the nutrition label.

These are hydrogenated forms of carbohydrate that are colorless and odorless, and give the bar a pleasing moist texture. They are not as sweet as sucrose, have fewer calories and don’t cause tooth decay.

However, they may cause bloating and intestinal discomfort in some people since they are not completely absorbed by the gut.

They do contribute calories and affect blood-sugar levels, so they need to be accounted for by the low-carb dieter.

So what would you like to have in your fitness bars?

Look at the fat

Ever since manufacturers were pressured to remove trans fats from their products, they’ve replaced them with palm oil and palm kernel oil.

Although not all saturated fats are associated with an increased risk of heart disease, palm oil is. Be careful not to consume too much of it.

Benefat® is appearing as a lower-calorie fat replacer in many products.

SALATRIM is approved by the American Dietetic Association and the FDA. It has no known side effects and it does not affect blood-cholesterol levels or absorption of fat-soluble vitamins or other nutrients.

Many of the best protein bars will only have the best fats.

Use caution in choosing a protein bar

Nutrition bars are not subjected to any quality testing prior to marketing.

In 2001, the supplement-testing group analyzed 30 brands of energy bars and found that 60% failed to meet their labeling claims.

Among the highest failure rates were protein bars (92% failed), often because they were under-reporting the amount of carbs and sodium contained in the bar.

So even if you’re super-skilled in reading nutrition labels and ingredient lists, you may not actually be consuming what you think you’re consuming.

See some of the ranges of protein bars we list:

Quest Protein Bars

Fattbar keto bars

Adonis Keto Bars

Cheap Grenade CARB KILLA Bars

Get the best deals on CHEAP Grenade Carb Killa the high protein bar from Grenade supplements. Get protein bar from Grenade Carb Killa at the best price here. Grenade CarbKilla are the high protein bars from Grenade supplements. They are packed with protein to increase energy levels with less fat and sugar. Cheap Grenade Carb …

Cheap Grenade CARB KILLA Bars Read More »

Cheap Powerbar 30%, 52% Protein Plus

Get great deals on the cheapest Powerbar Protein Plus bars here using our sports supplement price comparison tool. We have searched the internet for cheap Powerbar ProteinPlus deals so you don’t have to. Powerbar ProteinPlus are one of the best selling protein bars on the market. This bar delivers 30% protein, which is five times …

Cheap Powerbar 30%, 52% Protein Plus Read More »

NRG Fuel Protein Flapjacks

Get cheap NRG Fuel Protein Flapjack deals here using our sports supplement price comparison tool. We have searched the internet to find the best value NRG Fuel Protein Flapjack deals so you don’t have to. NRG has some of the best tasting protein flapjacks on the market. Great for a post workout snack, NRG protein …

NRG Fuel Protein Flapjacks Read More »

Best High Protein Bars UK

There is no need to not have a treat when you are trying to up your protein levels, but at the same time there is no excuse to over indulge on fatty chocolates! This is where the protein bar comes in, easy to pack with you, tasty and from 10-45G of protein per bar they will keep you in anabolism state on the go.

In the beginning not many companies made protein bars, and if you could find them they were dry and really only the hard core of the bodybuilders would put up with the taste. But not anymore there are a number of UK companies producing protein bars. Glambia Ireland make a lot of the UK bars in giant machines but also there are small batch protein bar producers making amazing bars with nuts, dates and whey protein.

Walk into any corner shop in the UK today and you will probably find at least one massively over prices protein bar near the counter. Don’t be that person who needs to pay three pounds per bar at a petrol station, remember failing to prepare is preparing to fail. That is why to save money we list cheap protein bars that come either individually or in packs of 12. If you eat one protein bar per day then you need just under 3 boxes of 12 per month and most protein bars have at least a 6 month shelf life so buying in bulk can make sense

Top 10 Protein Bar List UK

When buying protein bars in bulk not only can you get them cheaply but also you should try and mix up the flavours – there is nothing worse than getting sick of one flavour protein bar when you still have box after box of the same flavour. So live a little, we love vanilla protein bars but could not eat those day after day, so we add in peanut chocolate flavour.

The best protein bars can charge the individual with a surge of energy.

Consuming a portion of a protein bar before one’s exercise routine will supply the athlete with an important dose of energy while consumption of the protein bar after the workout will restore depleted glycogen, hence creating energy.

For those who are searching for extra calories, it is especially important to eat only the best bars.

They may serve as a meal replacement when ones’ busy schedule does not permit cooking and eating a large traditional meal.

The best protein bars are delicious and satisfying while not being completely and counter-productively saturated with sugar.
Welcome to the Best Protein Bars Report

Welcome to the Best Protein Bars Report

So what is a protein Bar exactly?

It seems everyone and their brother are making protein bars not to mention all the ones that you are making at home for yourselves (and lets be honest; those are the best protein bars, right?)

The Best Protein Bars Guide

The fact that protein bars are extremely convenient is a godsend for active people who are looking for something to tide them over between workouts and meals.

As long as they are eaten occasionally, they can be beneficial to your fitness goals.

But eat too many of the poor-quality bars, and they might actually sabotage your efforts. Here’s what to look for.

Make sure it’s a protein bar

To be called a “protein” bar, it should have at least 15 grams of protein per bar.

Although carb content is variable, you should choose a bar that is relatively low in carbs to avoid blood and insulin spikes that will hinder your fat-loss efforts.

Energy bars are at the other end of the spectrum: high-carb, low-protein.

Energy bars such as PowerBar or Clif® Bars are useful for intense aerobic exercise that lasts more than an hour.

Meal replacement bars like Balance® Bar, or Nutribar® have a more balanced ratio of carbs, proteins and fats, and usually contain more calories than other types of bars.

Organic and raw bars like Lärabar® provide energy in as natural a method as possible. They are made with whole foods and are devoid of artificial sweeteners and inserted protein, and many consider the to be the best protein bars.

They are, nevertheless, relatively high in sugars and low in protein.

Look at the source of protein

Most protein bars will have a “propriety protein blend” as one of the first things listed in the ingredients list.

Choose bars that use high-quality sources of protein, such as hydrolyzed whey, whey isolates and micellar casein.

Whey or soy concentrates are fine but are frequently used as fillers and shouldn’t be listed too high on the ingredients list.

Gelatin (or collagen) is often added to protein bars to improve texture. Since it is a type of protein, it contributes to the total number of grams in the bar.

Check the ingredients and ensure that gelatin and collagen are not listed too high up on the list.

Look at the Carbs of the protein bar

Just because a bar is high in protein doesn’t mean it’s low in carbs.

First off, avoid protein bars that list refined sugars, such as sucrose, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup and chocolate, as the first or second ingredient. These are no better than candy bars.

To make a protein taste good without using too much refined sugars, manufacturers often add artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols.

Sugar alcohols should be listed along with sugars and dietary fiber under the total carbohydrate listing on the nutrition label.

These are hydrogenated forms of carbohydrate that are colorless and odorless, and give the bar a pleasing moist texture. They are not as sweet as sucrose, have fewer calories and don’t cause tooth decay.

However, they may cause bloating and intestinal discomfort in some people since they are not completely absorbed by the gut.

They do contribute calories and affect blood-sugar levels, so they need to be accounted for by the low-carb dieter.

So what would you like to have in your fitness bars?

Look at the fat

Ever since manufacturers were pressured to remove trans fats from their products, they’ve replaced them with palm oil and palm kernel oil.

Although not all saturated fats are associated with an increased risk of heart disease, palm oil is. Be careful not to consume too much of it.

Benefat® is appearing as a lower-calorie fat replacer in many products.

SALATRIM is approved by the American Dietetic Association and the FDA. It has no known side effects and it does not affect blood-cholesterol levels or absorption of fat-soluble vitamins or other nutrients.

Many of the best protein bars will only have the best fats.

Use caution in choosing a protein bar

Nutrition bars are not subjected to any quality testing prior to marketing.

In 2001, the supplement-testing group analyzed 30 brands of energy bars and found that 60% failed to meet their labeling claims.

Among the highest failure rates were protein bars (92% failed), often because they were under-reporting the amount of carbs and sodium contained in the bar.

So even if you’re super-skilled in reading nutrition labels and ingredient lists, you may not actually be consuming what you think you’re consuming.

See some of the ranges of protein bars we list:

Quest Protein Bars

Fattbar keto bars

Adonis Keto Bars



TREK High Protein Flapjack Cocoa Oat, 50 g - Gluten Free Bars – Healthy Snack Bars – Plant Based Protein - Vegan Bars (Pack of 16 Bars)

TREK High Protein Flapjack Cocoa Oat, 50 g - Gluten Free Bars – Healthy Snack Bars – Plant Based Protein - Vegan Bars...

Trek Protein Flapjack Mixed Case - Natural Plant Protein - Gluten Free - Healthy Snack Bars, 50 g (Pack of 16), 99TRKMIX1

Trek Protein Flapjack Mixed Case - Natural Plant Protein - Gluten Free - Healthy Snack Bars, 50 g (Pack of 16),...


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as of February 15, 2025 12:11 pm

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See This Deal
See This Deal
  • PROTEIN flapjacks delivering long lasting energy to keep you going
  • PLANT-BASED - each bar contains 9g of plant-based protein, is a source of fibre and vegan friendly
  • SOURCE OF FIBRE - Perfect nourishing and filling healthy snack with oats
  • IDEAL SNACK for active people, sport and fitness fans who are kind to their body
  • PROTEIN Flapjacks delivering long lasting energy to keep you going
  • PLANT-BASED - each flapjack contains 9g of plant-based protein, is a source of fibre and vegan...
  • SOURCE OF FIBRE - Perfect nourishing and filling healthy snack with oats
  • IDEAL SNACK for active people, sport and fitness fans who are kind to their body (not for...
TREK High Protein Flapjack Cocoa Oat, 50 g - Gluten Free Bars – Healthy Snack Bars – Plant Based Protein - Vegan Bars (Pack of 16 Bars)
Trek Protein Flapjack Mixed Case - Natural Plant Protein - Gluten Free - Healthy Snack Bars, 50 g (Pack of 16), 99TRKMIX1
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