Use our price comparison grid below to find the Cheapest deals on USN Muscle Fuel Anabolic available in Europe here. USN Muscle Fuel Anabolic is a powerful lean muscle builder when used in conjunction with a weight lifting and cardio regime. USN Muscle Fuel Anabolic is one of the best UK mass gainers on the UK market at the moment, so we have sort out the best deals on USN Muscle Fuel Anabolic on the market. This is USN’s best selling mass gainer and we have found the best deals on USN Muscle Fuel Anabolic and posted them below.
USN Muscle Fuel Anabolic Review, Price, Ingredients and Calories
We will break down Muscle Fuel Anabolic and explain why it’s so effective, read more here…
There’s a good reason why Muscle Fuel Anabolic (MFA) is a best-selling product. Quite simply, it works! If you’re looking to add muscle mass to your frame, Muscle Fuel Anabolic should be at the top of your supplement list. This article will explore the many reasons why MFA will out-perform a standard whey product when pursuing those extra pounds of muscle you work so hard in the gym to gain.
Muscle Fuel Anabolic Ingredients Review breakdown
Before we get started, it’s important that we understand exactly what MFA is. Well, it is a product that is classified as an all-in-one. Unlike a standard whey protein powder, an all-in-one will tend to have a significant carbohydrate contribution as well as a number of added supplements that you may otherwise buy separately, for example, creatine, beta alanine, ZMA etc. Of course not all all-in-ones are equal, the ingredient quality and selection vary massively from brand to brand.
Fortunately, any time you buy a USN product, you can rest assured that the product was put together in an effort to help you achieve your goals, and so methodical supplement design, along with premium grade ingredients are a given.
Now we have a better understanding of what Muscle Fuel Anabolic is, let’s look further at how it can be used to help achieve your muscle building goals, and why it is the product of choice when it comes to skeletal muscular hypertrophy.
1) Calories – Ultimately, whether you’re looking to gain weight or to lose weight, the very simple equation of ‘Energy In – Energy Out’ pulls a lot of weight. It’s of course by no means the only influential factor, but whether you calorie count or macro count, the energy differential remains king. With that in mind, when we look at a recommended serving of Muscle Fuel Anabolic coming in at 585kcal, against the 136kcal a serving of Premium Whey yields, we can see a very obvious anabolic advantage held by the MFA.
2) Carbohydrates – Carbohydrates are not only an important macronutrient for energy, but also for cell volumisation and hormone manipulation. The presence of carbohydrates as an energy source is sparing upon protein, and thus muscle tissue. Timed intelligently around training, carbohydrates can offer improved physical performance, along with insulin manipulation, which in turn can increase the uptake of amino acids and other desirable supplements such as creatine. Each serving of MFA has 85g of carbohydrates, significantly more than the 2.8g you can expect to find in the Premium Whey. Further to this though, of those 85g of carbohydrates, only 7g come from sugars. This makes Muscle Fuel Anabolic a great meal replacement/additional meal option throughout the day, rather than only being viable in the pre and post training window.
3) Creatine – Well renowned as one of the most effective supplements on the market, creatine can help improve training intensity, muscle contraction, recovery, and even give you those sought after muscle pumps. A ‘must have’ supplement for anyone looking to gain muscle mass, and so of course is included in the anabolic blend of Muscle Fuel Anabolic.
4) Beta Alanine – Again and again, this is a supplement that has proved very effective in operating as an intramuscular PH buffer. As cells become more acidic (as is the case with high intensity anaerobic activity, such as sprinting and weight training), they become less efficient at performing their task. By having an effective buffer in place, fatigue can be offset, and thus the muscle can work harder for longer, increasing the capacity for muscular growth.
5) Zinc – Zinc has been added to MFA because of the significant hand it plays in both maintaining normal testosterone levels, and in the metabolism of fatty acids. Both very desirable outcomes when pursuing lean tissue gain.
6) Magnesium – Magnesium plays an important part in protein synthesis i.e. muscle growth. To have this added to your all-in-one helps to ensure that any dietary shortcomings in this mineral are covered, preventing any hindrance in this key process.
7) B Vitamins – Muscle Fuel Anabolic is fortified with vitamins B6 and B12. The former helping to support normal protein and glycogen metabolism, the latter playing a role in healthy immune function, something particularly important during heavy training periods.
8) HMB – By depressing the rate of protein degradation, HMB can be a useful supplement when looking to add muscle mass. In one serving, Muscle Fuel Anabolic delivers four to five times the amount that the human body would ordinarily produce in a day.
9) Vitamin E & Riboflavin – These additions to Muscle Fuel Anabolic are here to help protect the body from oxidative stress. Failure to cover this base can result in cell damage and improper cellular signalling, both of which are counter productive to the end goal of muscle gain.
10) Pantothenic Acid – When in a heavy training period, any ingredient we can use to help offset tiredness and fatigue is a useful tool. That’s exactly why Muscle Fuel Anabolic has Pantothenic Acid in its formula.
Muscle Fuel Anabolic Review
It’s important to understand that we are not devaluing whey as a product. It is hugely versatile and has many useful nutritional applications. What we are saying though, is that when you are looking to add muscle mass, for most, Muscle Fuel Anabolic is a superior option. Now we’ve looked at what distinguishes it from a standard whey protein product, it’s easy to see why MFA is a best seller. With each premium grade ingredient that has been hand-picked and added to the MFA blend, not only has the hours of researching what you should be taking, in what dosages, been taken care of for you, but so has the hassle of sourcing and measuring out tens of different products. MFA sells itself because it works. That’s the USN way. I hope you’ve enjoyed my Muscle Fuel Anabolic review, now it’s time to give it a go and see how much you can improve by!
Muscle Fuel Anabolic Calories
There are 40 calories in a 3 scoop (150 g) serving of USN Muscle Fuel Anabolic
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Plateau-breakthrough system, scientifically formulated to promote muscle growth, power & strength for active individuals. Muscle Fuel Anabolic has been engineered by a passionate team of scientists with their focus on extreme muscle growth, strength and muscle recovery. At USN we’re proud to present this powerful muscle shake that is leading the way in potency and quality. It contains a number of bioactive nutrients that when taken as directed can support optimal muscle function,1 reduce fatigue,2 support immune function3 and protein metabolism.4 The six-stage Anabolic Protein Matrix contains excellent sources of protein including Whey Protein Concentrate & Isolate, Micellar Casein, Milk Protein Isolate, Calcium Caseinate and High Isoflavone Soy Protein Isolate. Protein supports optimal muscle recovery and lean muscle growth through their beneficial impact on nitrogen retention 4. A high-quality vitamin and mineral blend also are selected to aid efficient oxygen transported (vital for exercise performance),5 glycogen (the storage form of carbohydrates) metabolism (including carbohydrate storage) 6 and the protection of cells from oxidative damage.7 USN Muscle Fuel Anabolic is a convenient, tasty meal replacement shake available in a variety of flavours and perfect for any time of the day or night.
50g servings of Anabolic High Protein Matrix.
Power and recovery during high intensity exercise
Ultra-pure Immune, Fatigue and Mass support nutrients
Cell damage protection
Muscle fuel Anabolic is a scientifically engineered muscle building MRP supplement, formulated for healthy individuals and athletes that are serious about healthy living and building muscle mass.
It should not be used by persons under the age of 18 years.
It should not be used for weight loss.
For bodybuilders and athletes or individuals on a mass gaining plan.
Food supplements should not replace a varied balanced diet and healthy active lifestyle.
Claims supported by following nutrients. Evidence for claimed effects can be viewed at 1. Vitamin D supports muscle function. 2. Vitamin C can help reduce tiredness and fatigue, 3. Vitamin B6 supports a healthy immune system, 4. Protein contributes to the maintenance and growth of muscle, 5. Vitamin B12 supports normal red blood cell metabolism, which is required for efficient oxygen transport, 6. Vitamin B6 supports protein and glycogen metabolism, 7. Vitamin B2 protects cells constituents from oxidative damage.
*Claims supported with 2 servings per day.
Nutritional Information
Nutritional Information
Serving Size: 3 Scoops (150g)
Per 100g Per 150g *% RDA
ENERGY 1507kj
(358kcal) 2260kj
PROTEIN 33.3g 50.0g 86%
7.3g 78.0g
FAT 1.3g 2.0g
TOTAL FIBRE 1.1g 1.7g
SODIUM 494mg 741mg
POTASSIUM 135mg 202mg 10%
CALCIUM 162mg 243mg 30%
PHOSPHORUS 306mg 460mg 66%
MAGNESIUM 28mg 42mg 11%
VITAMIN A 250μgRE 375μgRE 47%
VITAMIN D 1.3μg 1.9μg 38%
VITAMIN E 2.5mgTE 3.8mgTE 32%
VITAMIN C 15mg 23mg 29%
VITAMIN B1 0.4mg 0.5mg 45%
VITAMIN B2 0.4mg 0.6mg 43%
NICOTINAMIDE 4.5mg 6.8mg 43%
VITAMIN B6 0.5mg 0.8mg 57%
FOLIC ACID 50μg 75μg 38%
VITAMIN B12 0.3μg 0.4μg 16%
BIOTIN 20μg 30μg 60%
PANTOTHENIC ACID 1mg 1.5mg 25%
Creatine monohydrate & Di-Creatine malate
BCAAs, HMB (Beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate ), Taurine
L-Glycine, Beta-alanine
Glutamine AKG, L-Glutamine & Peptide bonded glutamine
Avena Sativa
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