Brown Rice Protein UK
Get cheap rice protein here, we have looked for the very best deals on rice protein so you can have a great vegan protein source. If you are looking for a fully lactose and dairy free protein source then rice protein is perfect for your needs. Rice protein is a by product of the rice cleaning process and is ideal for anyone looking for a natural vegetable source of protein to get your macros.
Benefits of Brown Rice Protein
Brown rice protein as the name suggests is a protein made from brown rice, which is a vegan protein source. Brown rice protein is seen a a whole protein as it contains all the essential amino acids although only has small amounts of lysine an important amino acid.
Brown Rice Protein Powder, also called BRP, is a protein powder from whole brown rice. It is derived from a natural source, and is considered to be a superfood because it is very good for you. BRP is actually the protein-rich component of rice that remains after processing human-edible white rice.
Brown rice protein powder is a vegan source of protein derived from whole grains, originally a natural by-product of the rice milling industry. Brown rice protein powder is an isolated nutrient that contains all the amino acids and essential micro nutrients that are needed for good health.
Tests have shown that brown rice protein is as effective as whey protein in enabling the taker to gain muscle “The eight-week study demonstrated that taking 1.7 ounces (48 grams) of rice or whey protein daily resulted in similar changes in body composition, muscle strength and recovery”.
Brown rice protein is a great source of vegan protein and for those looking for an alternative to meat and dairy sources of protein such a whey protein.
Amino Acid Profile of Rice Protein
Amino acid profile of rice protein is one of the most important factor that is responsible for rice protein quality and product performance. From the amino acid profile, quality and quantity of free-form amino acid can be determined, which shows how much protein can be absorbed effectively by human body. The result indicates that almost all essential amino acids are present in adequate quantities.
The Amino acids in Rice Protein are high in sulphur rich amino acids cysteine and methionine, but low in lysine this is why rice protein is often mixed with pea protein powder. This is because pea protein is low in cysteine and methionine but high in lysine therefore a mix gives a good balance of amino acids. The desired mix of pea protein and rice protein is 70% pea protein and 30% rice protein therefore is is worth looking at the label of the vegan protein blends you are buying. Rice protein can also be used in cheap protein bars as a thickener protein source.
Biological Value of Rice Protein
Usually the biological value of protein supplements is within the range from 96-100%. This means that almost all amino acids are being digested and used by our body. However, some sources of protein have lower biological value due to various factors, such as; pathogen infection, poor absorption rate, and decomposition during digestion. Rice protein is a plant based protein supplement that has one of the highest biological values among vegan products.
The Biological value of rice protein is an indicator of how much of the protein within brown rice and brown rice protein is digestible and usable by the human body. The register biological value of brown rice is 85% meaning that 85% percent of the protein within brown rice is digestible and usable to the human body. Some supplement companies such as USN have been known to add rice protein to protein blends to add a medium digesting protein and was used in USN Protein GF1.
Effectiveness of Rice Protein on Muscle Gain
Rice protein has been gaining popularity as an alternative protein supplement due to its low cost. It has also been used widely for those looking to lose fat. Many sources cite the health benefits of rice protein. This article will cover the effectiveness of rice protein on muscle gain.
Rice protein is the most affordable whole food protein available in the market today. It is also known to be hypoallergenic and non-acidic to the stomach. This leads one to believe that rice protein may be a “healthier” choice compared to other sources of protein out there.
Rice protein has a higher biological value than other proteins because of its high content of essential amino acids, branched-chain amino acids, and glutamine. Some studies show that compared rice protein with whey protein on muscle gain at bodybuilding. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of low-cost rice protein concentrate on muscle gain in young adults in 3 months. This study used experimental research design with quasi-experimental method. Random sampling method was used to carry out the study.
The effectiveness of brown rice protein on muscle gain has been studied and in one study showed that 50g of rice protein per day was an effective as 50g of whey protein on muscle gain on the participants of the study and therefore rice protein could be seen as a good protein source for those on the vegan diet looking to gain muscle mass.
Rice Protein and Weight Training
The standard RDA for protein intake is 0.8g of protein per kg for the average person. One of the drawbacks of the vegan diet is getting enough protein to hit this RDA. The RDA is used as a guide to ensure you are getting enough protein to stop muscle breakdown and replace the muscle in the same speed as it is broken down. For someone with slightly more need for protein, for example someone looking to weight train then the protein intake should go up to 1.6g per kg of muscle. To increase the intake of protein the addition of rice protein is an effective way to get up to the 1.6g of protein per kg.
For those looking to do intense weight training then adding even more protein per kg of body-weight is advised up to a 2.2g per kg is about the top before adding any more protein becomes no more effective. If you are worried about the lack of lysine then a 70% Pea protein 30% rice protein mix would give you a good muscle gaining protein blend that offers a optimal amino acid profile.
Brown Rice Protein for adding Protein to the Vegan Diet
For those who are curious for the well being of a vegan diet, there is no need to worry anymore. The question has been answered by me with the explanation of brown rice protein powder. Having brown rice protein powder is a huge help for those who would like to be environmentally friendly without sacrificing their health.
Rice protein powder is an awesome and plant-based option for those who are looking to add more protein to their diet and consider going meat free. Although brown rice can be consumed as a carbohydrate, there are unique health benefits that people can achieve by including the nutritionally packed grain in their diet. Many people take on meat free diets for personal reasons. Normally they are concerned with ethics and what they put inside their body. Mostly, they want to avoid consuming animal products such as beef, chicken, pork and more. While at one time these foods were deemed to be a healthy staple in most diets; the truth is that today we know differently.
Are you looking for some health benefits and uses of brown rice protein powder? You are not alone. In fact, it is getting more and more popular every day. It is natural plant-based protein like that you can find in edamame, tofu, legumes, whole soybeans, hemp seeds, quinoa, leafy greens and also brown rice. Especially people who are into the ketogenic diet or trying to maintain a balanced diet with minimal carb intake use this type of protein supplement.
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